Saturday, April 22, 2006

Grim Reaper

How would you prefer to die?

How old would you like to be? What would you like to happen to your body? Where would you like your remains to be put? Do you want to have a funeral? What would you like the reason for your death to be? Do you want anyone to see you die? If so, who? Who do you want to be at your funeral?

If you could choose to be immortal, would you be? Why or why not?

What do you think happens after death?

Tell me what you think.

High School Dropouts

I recently read an article in Time magazine discussing the problem of high school graduation rates in the United States. The studies conducted for the article estimated that one out of three high school students in the U.S. drop out before they graduate. What can be done to lower this statistic? What needs to happen to our school programs in the U.S. to ensure that students go on to higher education?


I know this topic can be extremely controversial, but I want to know what your thoughts are about it. I've heard a lot of reasons for abortion and a lot of reasons against abortion. I've heard arguments defending pro-choice and others defending pro-life. Some people also think it should be decided case-by-case. What do you think? What are the pros and cons of abortion and what should the policies be regarding it?