This week a heat wave has baked the United States. Nearly every state is experiencing record highs, into the 90's and above. NASA also recorded this year's January-June the hottest half-year in the U.S. since records began in 1895. This isn't some freak exception, however; average temperatures have been rising around the world, especially this decade: 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005 are in the top 5 hottest years globally. Things are really heating up!
Global warming looks like it's becoming a hot topic these days (no pun intended). Most scientists agree that humans are partly to blame for global warming, and if action isn't taken soon, it may be too late to reverse the buildup of greenhouse gases. Europe is considering implementing a mandatory emissions-reduction plan, and the Bush Administration wants to create a voluntary program of the same sort.
Is global warming an issue we need to worry about? If so, what should we do to combat it?