Friday, November 11, 2005

What's the word?

You guys can answer one, some, or all of these questions in your comment:

What is the most important word in the English language? Why?
What do you think was the first word ever said was? Who (or what) said it?
Do you think human beings are the only life in the universe that can communicate through words?
What is your favorite word to say? to hear? to read?
Is there power in a single word? Why or why not?


Blogger Lauren H. said...

Almost every word is important. But each one together, interacting, are what make them so unique and interesting.
I haven't the slightest clue what the first word was or who said it. I don't think there is any other life in the universe, however, I do believe that God can very easily communicate through words.
I guess the word doesn't matter, it's the person saying it that matters.
I think that depends on your definition of power. Nothing is going to happen by saying a word over and over again, but that word can mean something special to you that brings back good memories. I guess we are the ones that give our words power by our tome of voice and the memories we've invested in them.

Fri Nov 18, 05:43:00 PM  
Blogger Alexaaaaa said...

I'd like to think that the first word ever spoken by man was one full of meaning, promise, and hope for the future, but knowing that at the time language was first used by humans we were probably still very primitive and more concerned with what our next meal would be rather than what philosophical significances we could bring to the world, so it probably ran along the lines of 'give me that, you little snot!' or 'where's the deer?'. As for whether or not humans were the first to discover language...there's no answer. Whatever happened so long ago can't be relived today, but I'd like to think that something or someone else found the skill of communication before we did.

Sun Nov 20, 03:37:00 PM  

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